Because these lists are never definite anyway; I mean, none of us have seen all films this year, and some of us saw several titles last year already, while others of us are still waiting to see them arrive in our corner of the world, later this year.
No matter: lists are fun, and every title on here had several backers behind it, so they must have had something going for them.
A complete list of all the titles can be found at the end of our countdown.
And speaking of a countdown: here we go!
Click on the edge of the pictures to scroll through them, or at the center of each to see a bigger version. So, what's on 10?
10: First Love
Miike Takashi's new film not only contains his usual copious amounts of violence and bloodbaths, but also a sweet budding romance. Two star-crossed lovers find themselves entangled in one hell of a drug deal, and much mayhem ensues.
9: John Wick Chapter 3: Parabellum
Our beneficial vampire lord Keanu Reeves (seriously - does this guy not age at all?) is currently being lauded for being a great human being, but it helps that his latest outing as John Wick is a big improvement over the previous film in the series.
8: Alita: Battle Angel
Many people were turned off by the main character's big eyes, an unfortunate design decision which may make more sense if this film ever gets a sequel, but for now many gave this film a wide berth. What did they miss? Oh, only one the most visually stunning films of the past few years. And make no mistake: this is James Cameron's film as much as Poltergeist was Spielberg's.
7: Hail Satan?
This year we have one documentary in our Top-10, and this is it. A scathing look at the corrupting influence of satanists, it shows them commit heinous deeds like... defending our right for free speech, religious freedoms and such.
Wait, what? Those dastardly Satanists!.
6: Fast Color
There sure hasn't been a lack of superhero movies this year, but this one is a little special, and not part of one of the big universes.Not many have seen it and it's not highly rated over on IMDB, but it's actually the favorite film of our Manging Editor Peter Martin, and he's not the only one who is crazy about it...
5: Dragged Across Concrete
Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn star in a great little thriller as two not-quite-clean cops who get faced with something that is too eveil to look away from.
4: Captain Marvel
While everybody was waiting for the Avengers plot to resolve, what did Marvel do? They set some films in the past, including one about an Avenger SO strong, she could have saved everyone in each of all previous films. Ehm...
Anyway, Captain Marvel was fun and it's not in this list because of any "virtue signalling" (we're anarchists, remember...), but because it was so damn enjoyable.
3: Avengers: Endgame
Aaaaand here was the biggy. Literally. Seriously, films do NOT need to get bigger than this. Marvel played its cards right and managed to cap a 22-film run with a record-breaking finale of excesses. Now, if you LIKED most of the previous films, chances are you LOVED this one.
2: Us
We all loved Get Out two years ago, and righly so as it was a fantastic film. And we all wondered: what would Jordan Peele do next? Well, he made this. And the good news is, Peele has plenty of good ideas left apparently. But the number one position went to...
1: Parasite
Bong Joon-ho is a favorite of ours, and has been ever since his film Memories of Murder (even though we didn't exist as a site yet). With his constant shifting between genres, his ever-present social black humor, and his ability to merge killer art direction with great acting performances, his films never bore. And now I keep hearing his new one Parasite may be his best. In it, a poor family worms (pun intended) its way into a rich one, with surprising results.
I haven't seen it yet, but can't wait to. Hell, it even stars Song Kang-ho! No wonder it won Cannes, and no wonder it won the top position in this list too...
Here are all the lists, and everyone had a title in there nobody else had picked. My favorite of those is probably Memory: the Origins of Alien (seen above) but you can check for yourself how many there were. And what were your favorite films these past six months? Chime in, in the comments below, and HAVE YOUR SAY!!
Eric Ortiz Garcia:
1: Parasite
2: Dragged Across Concrete
3: The Mule
4: Horror Noire
5: First Love
Dustin Chang:
1: Sunset
2: Asako I&II
3: Elephant Sitting Still
4: Meteorites
5: Sophia Antipolis
Zach Gayne:
1: Rolling Thunder Revue: A Bob Dylan Story
2: The Untitled Amazing Jonathan Documentary
3: First Love
4: The Dead Don't Die
5: Parasite
Chris Webster:
1: Dragged Across Concrete
2: The Standoff at Sparrow Creek
3: Hagazussa
4: Alita: Battle Angel
5: The Head Hunter
James Marsh:
1: Parasite
2: Us
3: Long Day's Journey into Night
4: Avengers: Endgame
5: If Beale Street Could Talk
Ernesto Zelaya Miñano
1: Summer of '84
2: John Wick 3: Parabellum
3: Glass
4: Avengers: Endgame
5: Us
Jim Tudor:
1: Toy Story 4
2: Avengers: Endgame
3: Climax
4: Ruben Brandt: Collector
5: Rocketman
Niels Matthijs:
1: Paris is Us
2: Last Sunrise
3: Captive State
4: The Hole in the Ground
5: A Home with a View
Matt Brown:
1: High Life
2: Captain Marvel
3: Homecoming
4: Deadwood: The Movie
5: Knock Down the House
Shelagh Rowan-Legg:
1: Us
2: Fast Color
3: Hail Satan?
4: Captain Marvel
5: Booksmart
Kurt Halfyard:
1: Honeyland
2: Us
3: Lost Holiday
4: The Mountain
5 (tied): Cold Case: Hammarskjöld
5:(tied) Chernobyl
Loïc Valceschini:
1: Parasite
2: I Lost My Body
3: Sons of Denmark
4: Bacurau
5: Swing Kids
Peter Martin:
1: Fast Color
2: High Flying Bird
3: The Kid Who Would be King
4: Body at Brighton Rock
5: We Are Legends
Michelle "Izzy" Galgana:
1: Hail Satan?
2: Daniel Isn't Real
3: The Lodge
4: Paradise Hill
5: John Wick 3: Parabellum
Ard Vijn:
1: Alita: Battle Angel
2: Capernaum
3: Memory: the Origins of Alien
4: Avengers: Endgame
5: Captain Marvel