Fantasia 2017 Short Film Short Review: EVEN THE DARKNESS HAS ARMS, A Two-Minute Creepfest

Chris Bavota, writer of the family reunion horror short from 2015 Never Tear Us Apart, has a new short, short film, Even The Darkness Has Arms, premiering tonight in the horror shorts program at Fantasia. Yes, it is so short I mentioned how short it was, twice. But hot damn is it a creepy bit of work. 
Bavota described his film as a man struggles to sleep at night because he is haunted by a manifestation of his fears. Apparently. Look, the idea of this short film is to not explain what haunts this man, The idea is to creep you the fuck out and in the short two minute run time Bavota manages to do just that. From the ominous sound design to the tremendous makeup effects of this man’s manifestations by Dwayne Hanley there are three heart stopping moments that will whig you out. 
Even The Darkness Has Arms is not about story. It is about being creepy for only a couple minutes and having a haunting effect on you long after you have watched it. 
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