WWE Studios Sticks an Ice Pick in Rights For a COLD PREY Remake

Yesterday the announcement came that WWE Studios have secured the rights to remake Roar Uthaug's Norwegian slasher flick Cold Prey from 2006. WWE have also secured to option to purchase a re-write script written by Casey La Scala. 

Cold Prey was one of the films at the head of a rash of genre flicks coming out from the Nordic region, what we now called the Nordic Wave. While Cold Prey would be considered tame when compared to North American stalwarts, at the time, anything from the rest of the World that could hold a candle to its forebearers was worthy of consideration. 

The franchise would go through bouts of sequel-itis and prequel-itis in 2008 and 2010. I believe we are far enough removed from the original film that an English-language remake is fine. North America has enough remote resort towns along the Rockies or the Northeast that locations will not be an issue. Cold Prey was committed to following the rules of the slasher genre so there should not be any protesting WWE Studios for taking what was the norm and making it... the norm again. It will be done cheap, quick and with a lineup of pretty young faces just happy to have the opportunity. 

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