AnarchyVision: Live from Los Cabos Edition! CHRISTINE, ARRIVAL, LOVING

My latest report comes from the decadently sunny Los Cabos International Film Festival, where a number of premieres and festival faves come to play in an area they're building up as the "Cannes of Mexico".

After giving up at Sundance on taking a shot with Christine thanks to the egregious "doc" that soured me on the subject, I finally caught up and found my reticence ridiculous. The film's fantastic, and Rebecca Hall's distant, complex take on the character one of this year's best performances.

Meanwhile, two absolute faves also open - Villeneuve's Arrival makes its way to shore, while Jeff Nichols' quiet and sublime Loving also comes at a very challenging time for its bow, never more important to balance the draw of human emotions versus the close minded political turmoil that seeks to undermine it.

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