It would be easy to spend the rest of this intro just on her looks (young or old), but she is blessed with a face which is not just beautiful, but also incredibly expressive. It does not matter whether she needs to over-act in genre, or perform drama with the tiniest of nuanced expressions: when used right, she is a marvel to watch.
So once again I'm going to use eleven pictures of one of my favourite thespians to make a quiz. Click through the images, and guess which movies they're from. No competition, no prizes, just for fun, try to see how far you get without using IMDb!
And I'll post the answers next Thursday, or earlier if someone gets all of them right.
And here she is with the character she voices in Sausage Party: Teresa, the lesbian taco.
This one doesn't count yet for the quiz, but all others do, so please browse through the gallery: click on the edge of the picture to get the next one, and see how many of them all you can identify!
And we begin, with quiz picture number one:
Quiz picture number two:
Quiz picture number three:
Quiz picture number four:
Quiz picture number five:
Quiz picture number six:
Quiz picture number seven:
Quiz picture number eight:
Quiz picture number nine:
Quiz picture number ten:
And finally: quiz picture number eleven!