"Johnson has always threatened to wink at the audience. A former football player, he began his entertainment career as a professional wrestler and thus he knows how to play to a crowd. That has sometimes made it hard to take him seriously as a dramatic actor, though he's improved in that regard over the years, but when allowed to embrace his buoyant public persona and comic instincts on screen, he's an absolute pleasure to watch."True words, all of them! So once again I'm going to use eleven pictures of one of my favourite thespians to make a quiz. Click through the images, and guess which movies or shows they're from. No competition, no prizes, just for fun, try to see how far you get without using IMDb! And I'll post the answers next Thursday, or earlier if someone gets all of them right.
And here he is in Central Intelligence as Robbie Weirdick aka "Bob Stone".
This one doesn't count yet for the quiz, but all others do, so please browse through the gallery: click on the edge of the picture to get the next one, and see how many of them all you can identify!
And we begin, with quiz picture number one:
Quiz picture number two:
Quiz picture number three:
Quiz picture number four:
Quiz picture number five:
Quiz picture number six:
Quiz picture number seven:
Quiz picture number eight:
Quiz picture number nine:
Quiz picture number ten:
And finally: quiz picture number eleven! That's him (sort-of) on the right: