Screen Daily is reporting that the new trilogy of films, starting with Over The City, will be about modern nightlife in the city of Almaty. His producer,Anna Vilgelmi spoke to Screen about the upcoming project...
"Emir's new project Over The City will be the opening for a new trilogy about the modern nightlife in Almaty, his monument to the city and the real life of young people. When people think of Kazakhstan and Central Asian cinema, they think of sheep and mountains, but there's also something else."
Although the script is still being kept under wraps, Over The City is reminiscent of Richard Linklater's Before Sunrise as it follows an older woman and younger man strolling around the city of Almaty over the course of one night after a chance meeting in a supermarket.
The final chapter of the present trilogy may be taking a step back for Baigazin to start this new one as filming is scheduled to begin this Summer.