Six brothers, known as 'The Wolfpack', grew up surrounded by the bustling electricity of New York City, but were trapped within the confines of their Lower East Side apartment. Living under the rule of their tyrannical father, and home schooled by their loving mother, they spent their entire lives lonely and locked away from society. All they knew about the outside world was gleaned from their archive of over 10,000 films they watched obsessively and re-enacted meticulously, using elaborate home-made props and costumes to re-create what they experienced on screen. For years they used these films to fuel their imagination and stave off their loneliness, until one of the brothers dared to escape.
Thanks to Madman Entertainment, ScreenAnarchy readers have a chance to win the film on DVD. Simply email me at kwenton[at]ScreenAnarchy[dot]net and tell me which character or film is worth dressing up for and why. Competition closes midnight 20th January AEST, good luck! If you do not win, there is always next time!
The Wolfpack is out now on DVD in Australia. Check out Madman's site for more information on the film's release. Please note this is for Australian residents only, do not email me if you are not from Australia, thanks.