
Have Your Say: Gorgeous, Gorgeouser, Gorgeousest...

(Gorgeous: ˈɡɔːdʒəs/ adjective, meaning: beautiful; very attractive.)

Guillermo Del Toro's gothic romance fairy-tale Crimson Peak is currently flailing at box-offices worldwide, despite many people liking it a great deal. In his review, Jason Gorber calls it "...a grand vision...", and "...a rich, sumptuous film...".

He's not exaggerating either, I mean just look at that set above. It truly is wonderful to behold, gorgeous even. So much so that it might make you wonder which film you'd call more gorgeous than Crimson Peak.

So that will be the question for this week (we'll deal with James Bond and Star Wars later...). What is the most gorgeous film you've ever seen? Mind, it doesn't necessarily have to be the best film you ever saw, just the most... well... visually beautiful.

Chime in, in the comments below, and HAVE YOUR SAY!

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