If J. K. Simmons has one superpower, it's that he can say and play anything with utter conviction. With his laser eyes and woodcut face, his word is law. No matter how inane the actions are, his characters always seem to be 100% sure they have the right of it. An avuncular family member, a misinformed general, a bonkers politician or an evil criminal... he is THERE, and good luck changing his opinion. Saving angel or instrument of destruction, he needs to be heeded, which is why he is so often cast as either an authority figure or a story foil. And it makes him irresistible to watch.
Therefore, once again I'm going to use a gallery of close-ups of one of my favorite thespians to make a quiz. Click through the images and guess which movies (or shows) they're from! No competition, no prizes, just for fun, try to see how far you get without using IMDb.
And I'll post the answers next Thursday (earlier if someone has all thirteen of them right).
And here he is as the maniacal Terence Fletcher from Whiplash.
This picture doesn't count yet for the quiz, but all others do. So please browse through the gallery. Click on the edge of this picture to get the next one, and see how many of them all you can identify!
And here we go, with quiz picture number one:
Quiz picture number two:
Quiz picture number f-x-x-x:
Quiz picture number five:
Quiz picture number six:
Quiz picture number seven:
Quiz picture number eight:
Quiz picture number nine:
Quiz picture number ten:
Quiz picture number eleven:
Quiz picture number twelve:
And, finally: quiz picture number thirteen!