SGT. KABUKIMAN L.A.P.D. "SING, DANCE, KILL": Watch This Fan Made Reboot Trailer

As a project like Zomboobies languishes in a level of post-production Hell filmmaker Mike Taylor continues to ply his trade on many Hollywood productions. Yet his heart still burns to make "Off-Beat, VFX, Horror, Gore, Comedy and Heart filled Movies" as per his webpage

Taylor let us know that he created a trailer, an homage if you will, to the Troma Films character Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D. He has titled it Sgt. Kabukiman L.A.P.D. "Sing, Dance, Kill". It is a quick dose of lo-fi goodness and really fun gore. Taylor also provided a collection of stills and art for your perusal as well.  

The Raid meets Black Swan in this gritty, elegantly ultra-violent and magical re-imagining of TROMA FILMS classic comedic super hero "Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D."
Independently produced by Mike L. Taylor and pretend for real studios, this teaser was inspired by the great potential this character possesses. "With great potential comes great reboot-ability!" This teaser implies no ownership or profit from the character of Sgt. Kabukiman. The original Sgt. Kabukiman created by incomparable independent film legend mr. Lloyd Kaufman. 
The title SING, DANCE, KILL is a twist on the root kanji characters that make up the word Ka-bu-ki (loosly translated as Sing, Dance, Skill). 
PLOT: An L.A.P.D. Sgt. goes undercover as a Kabuki performer to expose a human trafficking ring called the "White Devils", who are disguised as a famous international Kabuki troop. His cover is blown and his family is violently murdered in front of his eyes by his Kabuki Master. He is framed and left for dead but secretly escapes into the streets of downtown Los Angeles.
Homeless and alone Sgt. Kabukiman forges a one-man vendetta on the "White Devils". His vengeance is enforced by a newly discovered talent for ancient "KABUKI MAGIC", which turns his dance moves into LETHAL DEATH BLOWS. He uses these powerful arts to carve a bloody but elegant path of revenge through the White Devils and deep into "WHITE HELL" (their urban compound of illegal prostitution, slavery, and drugs) in order to get to their corrupt but powerful Kabuki Master leader.  But will Kabukiman be able to survive the surprises and revelations he uncovers when the curtains rise on the final performance?
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