
TURBO KID: A New Image So Exciting It Is Bursting From The Chest

With news today that Turbo Kid will be part of the Midnight lineup at the Sundance Film Festival at the end of January, EW unleashed a new image from the film. It contains so much bloody goodness that it can hardly contain itself. 

The Montreal-based film collective RKSS also released a statement to go along with the pic. 

"We always envisioned Turbo Kid to be like some lost crazy kids' movie from the 1980s that's somehow has just been rediscovered. ... We wanted a love story with the exploitation elements we grew up with, a post-apocalyptic scenario, over-the-top gore FX, super turbo explosions and a few BMX tricks for good measure. We were going for a retro-inspired aesthetic, not just from an overall visual presentation, but from how the narrative unfolds. We wanted Turbo Kid to appeal to a whole new generation of warped kids (and crazy adults)."

A side note about the image. Apart from the awesome gore and great costume design, the description of the image when you grab it is 'Father Dies'. Whose father is this? Is he the father of the central character, The Kid? The Kid is an orphan, after all. Or perhaps it's the mysterious girl he befriends in the film? 

We will have a team in Park City again so they should be able to clarify this for us after they have seen it. Before the rest of us. Who will not be there. In January... ... dammit!
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