Calling the talented Italian actress a Bond girl at 50 can be seen as both flattering and insulting. Without knowing the script it is hard to see what her role is yet, so we can say giving her this "title" is premature (and immature) to say the least. Many may assume she'll be the romantic interest for Bond because she is still so beautiful, but calling her a Bond girl is as silly as calling Dave Bautista a Bond boy.
More interesting to me is that the leading women in this Bond are again awarded actresses, known for capability and daring as much as looks. It gives me hope that the Daniel Craig Bonds will continue to be above average, and that this might be the kind of Bond that need never be called a guilty pleasure.
Back to Monica Bellucci: once again I'm going to use eight close-ups of one of my favourite thespians to make a quiz. Click through the images, and try to identify which eight movies they're from. No competition, no prizes, just for fun. Try to see how far you get without using IMDb!
We have no pictures from Spectre yet (darn...) but this is Monica Bellucci in this year's film The Wonders.
This shot doesn't count for the quiz yet, but all others do. So click the edge of the picture to browse through all images, and see how many you recognize!
Quiz picture number one:
Quiz picture number two:
Quiz picture number three:
Quiz picture number four:
Quiz picture number five:
Quiz picture number six:
Quiz picture number seven:
And, finally, quiz picture number eight!