No stranger to live action film adaptations of popular manga, with Gantz and The Princess Blade already under his belt, director Sato Shinsuke tackles a Japanese light novel series by Hiro Arikawa that has also spawned a manga and animated series. The cast includes Okada Junichi as Atsushi Dojo, a high ranking instructor of Library Corps and Eikura Nana as Kasahara Iku, who enters recruitment training. Kuriyama Chiaki, Tanaka Kei, Fukushi Sota and Ishizaka Koji also star.
In 2019, public anger at media excess has led to censorship of television, newspapers, the internet, books, movies, and music under the 'Media Betterment Act'. To fight the armed 'Betterment Squads' that go around destroying objectionable materials, the nation's libraries have formed their own para-military 'Library Corps'. Iku Kasahara is a new recruit to the corps, where her instructor and squad leader is Atsushi Dojo. At first repelled by his by-the-book approach to leadership, she is gradually won over by his commitment to their battle for 'books' and 'the freedom to know'.The film's theatrical release date in Japan is April 27th. You'll find a trailer and teaser #2 embedded below.