吳英雄,正義過頭,南區分局重案特勤組,一辦案隨即砸毀整座城市,被組長勒令外勤,卻固執追尋一宗離奇案件。而城市的另一頭,最大黑幫三聯會的西岸堂口,年紀最大的三級幹部---徐達夫,正將堂主的100萬現金偷偷拿去做鑽石買賣。闇黑的貨櫃倉儲區,交易到手的達夫,突然遭受一支重裝隊伍亂槍掃射攻擊,混亂之中,循著線索來到現場的英雄就此碰上徐達夫。It hits theaters on Chinese New Year 2012. You'll find the trailer embedded below.
Wu Yingxiong, just too far, the Southern Branch serious cases special unit, one handling the case then destroyed the city, was head of the ordered field, but stubborn pursuit of a bizarre case. The other side of the city, the largest church in the West Bank will triple gang mouth, the oldest of the three cadres --- Xu Dafu, is 100 million in cash will be recruited to do it secretly to take the diamond trade. Dark container storage area, the transaction Duff hand, suddenly suffered a reloading team Luanqiang fire attacks, confusion, follow the clues to the scene of the hero on this hit Xu Dafu.
From this moment on the disaster began.
Kill wave after wave of oncoming, the two most people should not be together, Wu Yingxiong for handling drag Xu Dafu, Xu Dafu to survive along with Wu Yingxiong, when all of the shooter sweep, they found that no matter more hate each other, they had to be together, because that mouth filled with boxes of diamonds is not so simple, 36 hours later, Harbour City will face the destruction of the crisis, while the real enemies faster than they ever step ....

First Trailer For Taiwanese Police Actioner BLACK & WHITE EPISODE I: THE DAWN OF ASSAULT