You can't Buy Just One! Give Me TWO ON A GUILLOTINE

There are films that if caught at a certain age tend to imprint themselves on kids. Good, bad are irrelevant to a viewer encountering crtain images or ideas for the first time. I'm not sure Two On A Guillotine quite fits that bill but it is, at the very least, a good imitation of it. Guilltoines, magicians and a black/white nostalgia make this an awfully fun time waster and it has a dynamite cast including Cesar Romero (Batmans The Joker) Connie Stevens, Dean Jones (from countless Disney movies) and a score by the great Max Stiener (King Kong). 

Long unavailable this appears now (Abra-Cadabra) courtesy of the wonderful Warner Archive where, for a price, you can get a DVD burned just for you. There are so many great films availble there currently I'll never catch up. 


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