Song Kang-ho talks 'Secret Reunion' and more...

Easily one of the most recognizable faces in Korean cinema there is no mistaken Song Kang-ho. We love him in Park Chan-wook's JSA, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance and recently Thirst. We love him in Bong Joon-ho's Memories of Murder and The Host. And we giggle with glee at him in Kim Jee-woon's The Good, The Bad, The Weird. He's not only recognizable but one of Korean cinema's great actors.

Song recently sat down with Beck, the editor in chief from 10Asia, and conducted an interview... Song Kang-ho is not a funny person. He is an entertaining actor. Song Kang-ho is not a friendly person. He is a familiar actor. Song Kang-ho is not a diligent person. He is an actor who always works. Song Kang-ho is not a successful/proud person. But he is an extraordinary actor. As the third object of "Interview 100", actor Song Kang-ho stood waiting with a cigarette in his mouth and looking more relaxed and comfortable than ever. And rather than giving a fussy greeting or a friendly hug, he simply waved a moderately warm hello with his hand. 

Song and Beck first talk about his recent film Secret Reunion [의형제], his choice of films to star in, thoughts on acting style and such. The interview in three parts is linked below. Teasers and Trailers for Secret Reunion [의형제] are also embedded after the break.
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