Takeshi Kaneshiro is ready for his extreme close-up, Mr. deMille!

Pretty boy Takeshi Kaneshiro has been around for a couple of years already, and his list of bit-parts before he got really famous is amusing to say the least. But when he finally broke through there was no stopping him. Popular by both Japanese and Chinese audiences, Takeshi managed to round up an impressive résumé, working with A-list directors and picking his films carefully. I know people who cannot stand to see him in films, but they are a minority. Because when Takeshi Kaneshiro is used properly in a film he can actually elevate it from "mediocre" to "good"!
So once again I'm going to use a turn in the ScreenAnarchy-O-Meter to do a gallery of 5 close-ups of one of my favorite thespians. Guess which 5 movies they're from.
No competition, no prizes, just for fun, try to see how far you get without using IMDB. And I'll post the answers on Friday (earlier if someone has all 5 of them right).
By the way, the picture on top of this article is not part of the quiz as its from a poster, not the film itself. But feel free to allot yourself bonus points if you knew it was the one-sheet for "The Accuracy of Death" (aka. "Sweet Rain")... 
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