The first real trailer for "HISSS" surfaces! Hot damn... or rather: DAMN HOT!

Some weeks back we posted a rogue (as in: unauthorized) trailer here for Bollywood fantasy-horror title "Hisss", directed by Jennifer Lynch.

The trailer was a huge success and managed to storm our top ten in the scant few hours it was up before the producer asked us to take it down again. Well, the first official trailer has now been released and frankly this does make the blood flow faster, so to speak.

"Hisss" is a modern retelling of some (out of many) Asian legends concerning snake-women. In this case the creature is played by Bollywood star Mallika Sherawat, and it takes a lot of make-up to make her ugly. So far the trailer shows that "Hisss" is bloody, surprisingly well-endowed in the special effects department (courtesy of Robert Kurtzman) and uncommonly non-prudish as there is a lot of skin on display (and not all of it scaled either). The trailer is not quite NSFW but courts it a bit.

So far Jennifer Lynch hasn't really made a big impression but she is now tackling a genre which can be very forgiving, provided she takes both the audience and the monster serious enough. This trailer goes a far way towards making me think she might have hit this one on the head.

***UPDATED*** And you can now find this trailer in the ScreenAnarchy Video Player after the break along with an image from the film, taken after Mallika Sherawat's lead snake goddess character swallows a man whole! It's sexy and scary as hell at the same time!

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