It's an itch you just can't scratch! 'Rat Scratch Fever'! * Updated With Second Trailer!*

Oh. My. Forget everything you heard about New York having a rat problem. The West Coast is about to get a taste of rodent sized mayhem!

This is just so stupendously silly and whacked that you can't NOT post about it. Jeff Leroy, the writer, director, cinematographer and editor of the upcoming giant monsters take over the city and mayhem ensues movie Rat Scratch Fever dropped off a trailer over at Fangoria. Astronauts employed by the Steel Space Corporation land on a distant planet. They are attacked by giant rats who hitch a ride on board the spaceship back home. The giant rats then wreak havoc on a small scale model Los Angeles with explosive results! New Yorkers celebrate through the night.

Okay, I added that last bit but if it's in the movie consider me psychic and I'll be taking donations for lottery tickets in the future. Below is what Leroy told Fangoria!

“The film is a homage to 1976’s FOOD OF THE GODS,” Leroy tells Fango. “I picked up *Famous Monsters* magazine every month, and they had a cover story about Bert I. Gordon’s film with all kinds of really cool stills of giant rats attacking people, with oversized rat heads by makeup mastero Thomas Burman. FOOD OF THE GODS didn’t live up to that hype, but it still had a lot of energy and animal attacks. My film has the same energy and better effects. No rats were hurt, but plenty of humans get gnawed to pieces.”

Thank you Captain Awesome for the heads up. This is awesome news indeed. What fun! Head over to Fangoria for some pics and we've got the trailers in the ScreenAnarchy Video Player after the break!

Trailer Two

Trailer One

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