New stills from Stephen Chow's "YANGTZE RIVER 7" aka "A HOPE"

The latest news from Stephen Chow's new comedy "YANGTZE RIVER 7" is that it will be released in February 2008, just in time for Chinese Newyear.

The sci-fi oriented story concerns Chow's trademark down-on-his-luck character taking care of an alien who has disguised himself to look like a little boy. Stephen has claimed that even though this movie will contain special effects and drama, the emphasis will remain on crazy stunts as ever.

And lo and behold, there are several new stills to be found on the web courtesy of Sina.

No idea if this will match the utter brilliance of Chow's "Shaolin Soccer" or "Kung Fu Hustle" but I'm sure it will be fun finding out, especially now that the rumors seem to be true about the film containing a scene in which Stephen Chow is fighting a 7 foot schoolgirl in uniform!

Also Zhang Yu Qi, mentioned in an earlier press release as playing a robot, doesn't seem to exactly hurt the retinas either...

And here are the images:

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