Tag: andreaquiroz

VOCES: Premiering Christian Cueva and Ricardo Farías' Short Film. Watch. And Listen to The Terror.

It is hard to believe that it has been three years since I last saw Christian Cueva and Ricardo Farías’ excellent short film Voces (Voices). Yet here we are, and the lads are finally ready to release Voces unto the World...

Short Film, Short Review: If You Listen Closely You Can Still Hear Their VOICES

A young newspaper reporter Alonso is sent to investigate police reports of the disappearance of children down a mysterious hole that suddenly appeared in a warehouse. There he bumps into Ramon who describes himself as a "news reporter, journalist, and...

THE INCIDENT: Check The First Stills From Isaac Ezban's Low Budget SciFi

A winner at the recent Mercado Fantastico - the new project market attached to Austin's Fantastic Fest, designed to help projects find co-producers, investors, etc - Mexican director Isaac Ezban has launched production on his low budget science fiction project...