
The Apocalypse Has Come To Russia! Time To Dance! DANCE TO DEATH!

In what can only be described as The Hunger Games meets Dance Dance Revolution, the full theatrical trailer has just arrived for Russian post apocalyptic thriller Танцы насмерть, aka Dance To Death. And, yes, it is exactly as described on the tin: A world where, following mass devastation, the powers that be forcibly gather a group of young people to train for a televised dance competition in which the losers will die a grisly death for the amusement of the masses.

It is a deeply silly premise and one that I'm not sure is helped or made even more silly by the obvious seriousness - and money - that's been thrown into its making. We shared a trailer for this one a few months back and it's now been followed by a full theatrical trailer. Which sadly includes very little actual dancing. Take a look below.

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