What more can you say about Guillermo del Toro, one of our most beloved living filmmakers? He's a master of his craft, and Criterion knows it. Having released his work before, Criterion has recently released the Triologia de Guillermo del Toro, a lovingly put-together package of his utterly fantastic Spanish-language works.
Inside this multi-layered set, you'll find Cronos, The Devil's Backbone, and Pan's Labyrinth. On my TV, these Blu-ray presentations all look as beautiful as ever, thanks to 2K digital restorations and wonderful audio soundtracks --- all supervised by del Toro himself.
Additionally, there's a nifty 100-page hardcover book, wherein the set is introduced by noted fantasy author Neil Gaiman. You'll also read essays by critics Michael Atkinson, Mark Kermode, and Maitland McDonagh --- and del Toro's Cronos production notes, augmented by illustrations from Carlos Giménez and Raúl Monge --- are a real treat.
For fans of world cinema and particularly, fans of del Toro's Spanish-language films, the Trilogia de Guillermo del Toro is essential. The extras and featurettes alone are worth the purchase if you're wary of the dreaded "double dipping" syndrome.
Find out more about the Criterion Collection's Trilogia de Guillermo del Toro release here.
Here's the ridiculously long list of extras.
- High-definition digital restoration of Cronos, 2K digital restoration of The Devil’s Backbone, and newly graded 2K digital master of Pan’s Labyrinth, all supervised and approved by director Guillermo del Toro, with 2.0 surround DTS-HD Master Audio soundtrack for Cronos and 5.1 surround DTS-HD Master Audio soundtracks for The Devil’s Backbone and Pan’s Labyrinth on the Blu-rays
- Alternate DTS-HD Master Audio 7.1 surround soundtrack for Pan’s Labyrinth on the Blu-ray
- Audio commentaries
- Interviews with del Toro, director of photography Guillermo Navarro, and actors Doug Jones, Federico Luppi, and Ron Perlman
- Welcome to Bleak House, a 2010 video tour by del Toro of his personal collections
- New piece on Pan’s Labyrinth featuring del Toro and novelist Cornelia Funke
- Interactive director’s notebooks for The Devil’s Backbone and Pan’s Labyrinth
- Making-of documentaries for The Devil’s Backbone and Pan’s Labyrinth
- Geometria, a 1987 short horror film by del Toro finished in 2010
- Footage of actor Ivana Baquero auditioning for Pan’s Labyrinth in 2005
- Original Spanish-language voice-over introduction for Cronos
- Introductions by del Toro for The Devil’s Backbone and Pan’s Labyrinth
- The Devil’s Backbone deleted scenes, with commentary by del Toro
- Presentation of del Toro’s thumbnail sketches for The Devil’s Backbone and Pan’s Labyrinth
- Programs comparing del Toro’s thumbnail sketches and production storyboards for The Devil’s Backbone and Pan’s Labyrinth with the final films
- Piece on The Devil’s Backbone’s depiction of the Spanish Civil War
- Animated comics featuring prequel stories for the creatures of Pan’s Labyrinth
- Gallery of stills from Cronos, captioned by del Toro
- Trailers and TV spots
- English subtitle translations approved by del Toro
- Deluxe box set for the Blu-ray, featuring new illustrations by Vania Zouravliov
- Blu-ray: A 100-page hardcover book featuring an introduction by author Neil Gaiman and essays by critics Michael Atkinson, Mark Kermode, and Maitland McDonagh, along with production notes and sketches by del Toro and illustrators Carlos Giménez and Raúl Monge
DVD: Essays by Atkinson, Kermode, and McDonagh, and production notes for Cronos by del Toro
New designs by Vania Zouravliov (Blu-ray) and Guy Davis (DVD)
Cronos, how I love thee. This 1993 film was my first introduction to del Toro's work. It features an incredible Ron Perlman, a thug sent after the vampiric Cronos device, which provides eternal life to its owner.
Written by del Toro as well, this film also offers awesome performances by lead Federico Luppi and Margarita Isabel. If you've never seen Cronos, you owe it to yourself to rectify that immediately.
The Devil's Backbone takes place during the Spanish Civil War. Carlos' father has died, and he is left at an orphanage for boys. The children-in-peril theme rears its head again here, and is done in an exquisite, heart-breaking way.
Performances are utterly fantastic all around. And if this film doesn't pull on your heartstrings, you're dead inside.
It's hard to believe that Pan's Labyrinth has been out for a full decade. This magical film takes place in 1944, as the daughter of a Spanish officer attempts to escape her harrowing life for a fantasy world that's about as scary as reality. Highly recommended.