
Watch Part 1 Of Comic Book Based Web Series 100 BULLETS: DEAD GHOSTS

We announced back in April that filmmaking duo The Halsall Brothers were working on their own web-series based on the hugely successful comic book, 100 Bullets. Well, Part 1 of that series is here, and what a gloriously brooding and atmospheric piece of work it is.

Taking place within the confines of North Korea, every shot of the series is drenched in darkness and dread as the filmmakers have clearly gone to great lengths to capture the noir tones of original artist Eduardo Risso. Through the film’s many comic-panel style static shots and a tortured voiceover the first hints of a plot are revealed; the suggestion of some sort of treachery and a murdered wife with ties that ascend to the Dear Leader himself.

A throbbing score of distorted synths and discordant piano keys combine with the darkness that pervades the images, contrasting with the dated and unnervingly upbeat glow of the state television title card and the staring faces of power beaming down from every wall. It’s all deeply stylish and intriguing stuff, which sets the scene effectively for what’s to come.

Check 100 Bullets: Dead Ghosts Part 1 out below. If you like what you see, the brothers are still looking for funds to complete their passion project. Be sure to check out the IndieGoGo page and website for further details.

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