Morikawa's film Makeup Room revolves around the back stage dramas that unfold in the makeup room during the shooting of an adult video. Originally written as a stage play, the action takes place within a single room. The director, a seasoned veteran of the AV industry, based the conversations that take place on his own real-life observations.
Fantastic Off Theatre Competition:
Grand Prix - Makeup Room - Dir. Kei Morikawa, Japan
Special Jury Prize - The Limit of Sleeping Beauty - Ninomiya Ken, Japan
Hokkaido Governor Prize - Haman - Tetsuya Okabe, Japan
Cineger Award - Mizo - Nam Ki Woong, South Korea
Sky Perfect Movie Channel Award - Luv ya Hun! - Daigo Matsui, Japan
International Short Film Competition:
Grand prix - That Day of the Month - Jirassaya Wongsutin, Thailand
Artistic Contribution:
Hurdle - Sung-jin Bak, South Korea
Green Glows - Shiraka Asuta, Japan
Bendito Machine V - Pull the Trigger - Jossie Malis
Jury Prize Dear Atom - Yoshihike Naoshige, Japan