BEYOND THE BLACK RAINBOW Soundtrack Hits Vinyl. Buy It. Play It. Turn It Up.

As those who know me will tell you, when not busy being a movie geek I spend rather a lot of time being a music geek. And from time to time these two interests intersect, which makes Todd a happy boy indeed. And one of those times is today.

Panos Cosmatos' Beyond The Black Rainbow is a great favorite in these parts, a psychedelic head trip of a scifi film very much intended to be a complete sensory experience with the auditory part of the experience delivered via an amazing retro-futurist electronic score from Sinoia Caves. I adore this score. Flat out adore it, to the point that I have literally been nagging Cosmatos for years about when it would be available to own. The answer: Today.

Released digitally worldwide by Jagjaguar (so, yes, it's on iTunes) who have also done a vinyl edition in the US with Death Waltz Records handling the vinyl in Europe. Check out a track below. Then go buy it.
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