On the border between reality and fiction, Over Your Dead Body revolves around a pair of actors-sweethearts (Shibasaki Kou and Ichikawa Ebizo) playing main parts in the aforementioned famed stage play. Soon their love is going to be violently tested and, as the moody and bizarre teaser trailer suggests, things are about to turn ugly and deadly. Here's the film's synopsis (via Eigapedia):
An actor named Kosuke plays the role of Iemon in a stage version of Yotsuya Kaiden and his new lover Miyuki plays Oiwa. However, as they delve deeper into their respective performances, the line between fantasy and reality becomes obscured until the murderous, vengeful themes of the play bleed into their own relationship.
Over Your Dead Body is set to premiere in Japan on August 23. Check out the teaser below!