Bruce Dern Takes A Long Walk To NEBRASKA In Trailer For Alexander Payne's Latest

You can tell by just one screenshot that Alexander Payne's Nebraska is no doubt a low-key and gentle flick. It's no-nonsense black and white cinematography shucks away any kind of grandeur that one may get from the great plains states, leaving something... grounded and human. So despite this (or because of it) this simple approach got the film some decent attention when it premiered at Cannes last spring, especially since star Bruce Dern snagged the best actor award at the fest. Also of note, Will Forte's portrayal as Dern's son, who takes it upon himself to handle his dad when the man states he's walking to Nebraska to collect a supposed one million dollar pay day.

Our own Ryland Aldrich had this to say on the film:

A bit of a tale of two movies, ultimately Nebraska delights more than it disappoints. The film is filled with interesting insight on America and the family unit. Payne's signature comedy comes out in great interactions between Davey, his mom, and the moochers looking for handouts. But the film fundamentally comes down to journey between Woody and his son Davey. If you can connect to that (a task made much easier by Dern), chances are you'll enjoy your trip to the Cornhusker State.
Now as the film gears up for a November 15th release in the States, we've got ourselves a sturdy little trailer that is charming and melancholic, nothing too surprising from Mr. Payne, but welcome all the same. Check it out below.
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