
THE COSMONAUT Takes Flight. Watch An Exclusive Scene.

Nicolas Alcala's The Cosmonaut is a film we have been keeping a close eye on here at ScreenAnarchy for years now, and with the crowd funded scifi drama arriving for free viewing on the official website May 18 we're pleased to present an exclusive clip from the film.

1975. Unable to return to Earth, the first Russian cosmonaut sent on a mission to the Moon is declared missing. However, through ghostly radio transmissions, he claims to having returned... and not finding a living soul on Earth. His unreal presence and voice will slowly destroy the world of his beloved ones.
You'll find the lift-off sequence from the film below and it's a really impressive bit of work. Alcala and his crew set off on this particular adventure well before crowd funding had been proven a viable option to make this sort of film and it's fascinating to see what they've managed to accomplish.

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