The film reunites the team behind The Rebel and Clash, namely director Charlie Nguyen and action star/choreographer Johnny Nguyen. With the massive success those films have had at home, and the inroads that they've built to the outside world who now knows to pay attention to Vietnamese action, I would expect Cho Lon to a solid film. The trailer thankfully showcases some drama to go along with the ass-kicking, but never fear, the second half begins the bone breaking and bloodletting and it doesn't stop.
Since there doesn't seem to be much English language material about Cho Lon online (except for on this site), I took the liberty of running the synopsis through Google Translate and came up with this:
The film revolves around the complex relationships between the four main characters is Hung Cho Lon (Long Dien), pale (Hoang Phuc), Dust (Johnny Tri Nguyen) and Lam Ha Hien. Lam Hung younger brother, because than ignorance Perfume (Huynh Bich Phuong), pale lover should have sinned against cold-blooded fellow competitors. Which had plotted to seize this opportunity Cholon Hung pale forced to confront. To enhance the win, he has to find ways to make Rooms Dust - a players hide but he always look like you've got to go back to help him beat Hung. And war broke out between two groups of pale - Hung Cholon with the game of life and death take a while ...You get the idea, and if you don't, just watch the trailer again, it'll become clear pretty quickly. Cho Lon is scheduled to release in Vietnam on April 19th, I would imagine it'll hit the usual festivals not too long after that. This is definitely something to get excited about!