Tonight! Salt Lake City See AMC's THE WALKING DEAD On The Big Screen

Heads up, zombie lovers and horror fans. Yours truly will be hosting The Walking Dead on the big screen at Brewvies Cinema Pub starting tonight, October 14th! I'll be joined by Bryan Young from Big Shiny Robot, and we'll be giving away shwag to savvy aficionados of fright flicks, as well as polling the attending audience to pick the film we'll be showing for our big Halloween night blow-out.

Sponsored in part by the Salt Lake City Weekly, Rotton Cotton t-shirts, City Of Horror merch, Fangoria magazine, Dr. Volts Comic Connection, Big Shiny Robot, The Night Crew podcast, and ScreenAnarchy, join us every Sunday for the ultimate way to view the insanely popular zombie epic. Now and then we'll be joined via the wonderful technological wonder that is the internet by some of the movers and shakers of the horror genre, and we will be showing some gruesome ancillery programming as far as short films, trailers, and other visual treats.

It all starts tonight at 7:30 pm at Brewvies, located at 677 South 200 West, in Salt Lake City, and the best part? IT'S ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE! Come and down and join the bloody fun!

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