Edgar Wright Has Wrapped An ANT-MAN Test Reel

It was during Cannes this year that talk began to circulate that Edgar Wright's long-gestating Ant-Man had received a green light from Marvel. Is it true? They're still not saying but The Hollywood Reporter has brought word that earlier this month Wright did indeed shoot a test reel for the picture, a sure sign that the development process, at least, is still moving forward.

With the runaway success of The Avengers and Marvel's stated desire to bring some fresh faces to the super heroic fold the next time out, Ant-Man is an obvious choice with the diminutive hero being one of the original founders of the team in the comic books.

One thing is certain, however: No matter what, Ant-Man is going to have to wait until after Wright completes work on The World's End, which shoots later this year with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost.
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