Teaser Art For Albert Pyun's CYBORG: RISE OF THE SLINGERS

Albert Pyun's 1989 post apocalyptic scifi effort Cyborg was a major launching pad for the career of Jean Claude Van Damme, the Belgian martial artist dropped into a dark and violent future world where he must protect what he believes is a scientist gathering information to cure a deadly plague that has ravaged humanity. Van Damme plays a specialized mercenary known as a slinger and while Van Damme is not involved himself, director Pyun is gearing up for a return visit to the slingers in an upcoming sequel.

The picture is titled Cyborg: Rise Of The Slingers and what you see above is the first promo art. Pyun has never felt that his vision of this particular world has ever been put on screen properly - a situation he partially corrected by releasing a director's cut of the original film earlier this year with his own, radically different, edit restored - and this is his attempt to set that right.
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