Brian Lonano Needs Your Help To Create THE GHASTLY TRANSMISSION!

Director Brian Lonano should need no introduction to regular readers of ScreenAnarchy. The Telly Award winning director has been a great favorite here right from the beginning, his lo-fi scifi and horror pictures tapping straight into that part of the brain that relished watching matinee screenings of old b-movies on broadcast television during childhood. Do a search for 'Lonano' in the ScreenAnarchy archive and I guarantee your day will be better for it.

Well, the man is now prepping a new short titled The Ghastly Transmission and he's looking for a helping hand.

This Gothic Horror Film centers on an old hermit, who lives in a spooky house and his only window outside is his television.  Coincidentally, his television is the window to another dimension!  And on one stormy night, he is faced with an impending invasion of ghastly creatures!  Spooky houses, ghosts, monsters, drinking and more!
Lonano figures he needs three grand to do the film up right and he's looking to raise it on IndieGoGo. I'm in for fifty bucks, which is money well spent in my books. Check out his pitch video below and his channel on Vimeo for more examples of his work.

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