Oprah Breaks Hugh Jackman.

No, not just his spirit, Oprah has broken Hugh Jackman physically.

At a taping of Oprah Winfrey's talk show in Australia X Men star Hugh Jackman was meant to make a grand entrance zipping in on a cable suspended high above the crowd. Which he did. But then he forgot to break and slammed into the pole at the end of the cable, opening up a gash under his eye and forcing Oprah to shut down the taping for ten minutes while he received medical treatment.

Why am I writing about something that happened on Oprah? I'm getting to that.

After bashing his face on a pole high above the ground Jackman returned to the set and did his interview with Winfrey, freshly bandaged up and sporting a brand new black eye. And then he finished the show with a song and dance number.

And here's the point: Hugh Jackman and John Woo want to make a gangster musical together. And Jackman has just proven, once again, that if anywhere anywhere has a prayer of making a musical look manly it is him. For the love of god, someone give them the money to make this movie. That is all.
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