I'll give Uwe Boll and company this much. Unlike Blubberella - the trailer for which can be found here - they actually appear to at least be trying with Bloodrayne: The Third Reich. Beyond that I shall leave all commentary to the official synopsis, the trailer embedded below and you, the faithful reader.

It's 1943 and the German army has spread its black tentacles across the European continent, mercilessly cutting a swath of destruction and carnage.

The Commandant's soldiers, led by his trusted Lieutenant (Steffen Mennekes), tighten their iron grip on a small eastern town and facilitate the movement of transport trains to the nearby death camps. Meanwhile, a psychotic Doctor (Clint Howard) performs grisly experiments on people in the camps - and has a strange affinity for cutting open vampires, when he can get his hands on one.

And where there are vampires, there's Rayne!

Now Rayne faces her greatest foe, a growing army of undead soldiers led by the Commandant. She and the Resistance must defeat the Commandant and his vampire troops before they manage to get back to Berlin, where they intend to make Hitler immortal.
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