
CHAW Picked Up By Magnet Releasing For US DVD

Magnet Releasing, fine distributor of many excellent films, have picked up the North American distribution rights to Korea's 2009 monster boar flick, Chaw.  In what seems to be a habit with their Korean acquisitions, they've inexplicably changed the title to Chawz.  Why the extra "Z"?  Who knows.  At least when they retitled Haeundae to Tidal Wave, it was a logical change seeing as how most Americans, myself included, have no point of reference for the South Korean resort town.  But ChawzReally?  There is plenty of coverage of the film in the archive, and the reviews have been sort of so-so, but I kinda liked this one.  There was a good mix of black humor and fright gags along with the occasional bit of gore.  A bit overlong, but not bad, overall.  I'll pick it up when it hits home video.  Maybe I'll just take a black sharpie to the cover to fix the title, though...

Check out the trailer below, in case you've managed to miss this so far.
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