

Look deep inside yourself.  You know what you need to make you really and truly happy right now is a free copy of Jean Claude Van Damme / Dolph Lundgren reunion picture Universal Soldier Regeneration.  And not just because it hearkens back to simpler days when men were men and manly men killed each other in interesting ways and that's all it took to make us happy, no, you also need this because it includes what is arguably the finest on-screen death of Dolph's career.  Well, happily enough, we can scratch that itch provided you live in the USA.  We've got one BluRay and one DVD copy of the film to give away and if you want to stake your claim it's simple enough.  Here's what to do:

Send me an email at this address. State clearly in the subject line that it's for the Universal Soldier giveaway and whether you want the BluRay or DVD. In the body of your email include your mailing address and the MPAA's explanation of what earned the film its R rating.  I want exact wording.  Winners will be drawn at random February 2nd - the film's release date.  Contest open only to US residents.
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