Cam Matheson: Clapper Loader.

It may not be the most glamorous job on a film set but it's a damn important one and Cam Matheson is proud of his work. He was the clapper loader on Jonathan auf der Heide's Van Diemen's Land - soon to debut at Austin's Fantastic Fest - and while the true life cannibalism story may be a mite grim, Cam certainly is not. And now he's here to tell his story. You can find what he\s got to say - along with the film's teaser - below the break!

1822. Van Diemen's Land was a dreaded penal settlement, a point of no return at the end of the earth. Its entrance was Macquarie Harbour, also known as "Hell's Gates." A work party of eight convicts escape into the beautiful and brutal wilderness. This band of Irish, English and Scottish thieves are intent on freedom but totally unprepared for the hardships awaiting them in this dark and primeval place. Their flight thrusts them into a battle with harshest enemies known to man: the lush yet unforgiving land, and the darkness within their own hearts. As their food runs out and tensions escalate, they find themselves contemplating the unthinkable. God wields an axe and there can be only one survivor. This visually stunning debut by Jonathan auf der Heide is based on the true story of Alexander Pearce, Australia's most notorious convict, whose story continues to haunt the conscience of Australian history.
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