Trailer Finally Arrives For JENNIFER'S BODY!

Well done, movie trailer guy! To cite the song featured prominently in the brand new Jennifer's Body trailer, you really do know what boys like! Of course, it's no real mystery why the suits at Fox cast Megan Fox as the titular demon-possessed high school girl so it was pretty much a given that there'd be a shot or two of Ms. Fox approaching undress in the trailer. You gotta work what you got, I suppose. Interesting thing is, whoever cut this thing also seems to have a pretty good grip on what the girls like, too, and give them a healthy dose of that: namely a good sampling of writer Diablo Cody's snappy dialogue.

Now, I'm neither one of those people who believes Cody is the second coming of Christ nor am I one of those anti-Cody backlash folks. I think she's good at what she does and has a pretty distinct voice and - for the duration of the trailer, at least - she's obviously got one hell of a grip on her material here. This is looking extremely bloody and extremely fun while having a very distinct tone to it. Check it below the break! It's a red-bander but not wildly over the top so ...

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