Cannes Directors' Fortnight Lineup Announced!

Hong Sang Soo and Francis Ford Coppola are the big names in this year's edition of the Directors Fortnight program at Cannes. As per usual for the program - which specializes in spotlighting young directors from around the world - the major portion of the lineup is made up of films and directors I'm not familiar with yet so it's time to get digging! Check out the complete list below the break and if anybody knows anything about these films, let us know in the comments area!

Longs métrages / Feature films

Ajami de/by Scandar Copti et/and Yaron Shani (Israël) * (clôture)
Amreeka de/by Cherien Dabis (Etats-Unis/USA)
Les Beaux gosses de/by Riad Sattouf (France) *
Carcasses de/by Denis Coté (Canada)
Daniel y Ana de/by Michel Franco (Mexique/Mexico) *
Eastern Plays de/by Kamen Kalev (Bulgarie/Bulgary) *
La Famille Wolberg de/by Axelle Ropert (France) *
Go Get Some Rosemary de/by Benny et/and Josh Safdie (Etats-Unis/USA)
De Helaasheid der dingen de/by Felix Van Groeningen (Belgique/Belgium)
Here de/by Tzu-Nyen Ho (Singapour/Singapore) *
Humpday de/by Lynn Shelton (Etats-Unis/USA)
I Love You Philip Morris de/by Glenn Ficarra et/and John Requa (Etats-Unis/USA)
J’ai tué ma mère de/by Xavier Dolan (Canada) *
Jal Aljido Motamyunseo (Like You Know It All) de/by Hong Sangsoo (Corée du Sud/Republic of Korea)
Karaoke de/by Chan Fui (Chris) Chong (Malaisie/Malaysia) *
Navidad de/by Sebastian Lelio (Chili)
Ne change rien de/by Pedro Costa (Portugal)
Oxhide II de/by Liu Jia Yin (Chine/China)
La Pivellina de/by Tizza Covi et/and Rainer Frimmel (Autriche/Austria)
Polytechnique de/by Denis Villeneuve (Canada)
Le Roi de l’évasion de/by Alain Guiraudie (France)
La Terre de la folie de/by Luc Moullet (France)
Tetro de/by Francis Ford Coppola (Etats-Unis/USA) (ouverture)
Yuki & Nina de/by Nobuhiro Suwa et Hippolyte Girardot (France, Japon/France, Japan)

* films concourrant à la Caméra d’Or / Films competed to the « Caméra d’Or » Prize

Courts métrages / Short films

A Repüles Története (The History of Aviation) de/by Balint Kenyeres (Hongrie/Hungary)
American Minor de/by Charlie White (Etats-Unis/USA)
Anna de/by Rúnar Runarsson (Danemark/Denmark)
El ataque de los robots de Nebulosa-5 (The Attack of the Robots from Nebula-5) de/by Chema Garcia Ibarra (Espagne/Spain)
Canção de amor e saúde (Chanson d’amour et de bonne santé/Song Of Love And Health) de/by João Nicolau (Portugal, France)
Cicada de/by Amiel Courtin-Wilson (Australie/Australia)
Drömmar Från Skogen de/by Johannes Nyholm (Suède/Sweden)
Dust Kid de/by Yumi Jung (Corée du Sud/Republic of Korea)
Les Fugitives (The Fugitives) de Guillaume Leiter (France)
Jagdfieber de/by Alessandro Comodin (Belgique/Belgium)
John Wayne Hated Horses de/by Andrew Betzer (Etats-Unis/USA)
Nice de/by Maud Alpi (France)
Superbarroco de/by Renata Pinheiro (Brésil/Brazil)
Thermidor de/by Virgil Vernier (France)

Séance spéciale / Special screening

Montparnasse de/by Mikhaël Hers (France)

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