Michael Paul Stephenson's Troll 2 documentary Best Worst Movie is one of the "must see" titles in the 2009 SXSW Film lineup. The official synopsis is as follows:
In 1989, unwitting Utah actors starred in the undisputed Worst Movie in History: TROLL 2. Two decades later, the legendarily inept film's child star [Michael Paul Stephenson] unravels the improbable, heartfelt story of an Alabama dentist-turned-cult movie icon and an Italian filmmaker who come to terms with this genuine, internationally revered cinematic failure.
Enjoying Best Worst Movie is in no way contingent upon being familiar with Troll 2. However, SXSW Film attendees who want the full experience can attend a late night 35mm screening of Troll 2 after Stephenson's documentary premieres on Saturday, March 14, 2009. A ScreenAnarchy review of Best Worst Movie is imminent but for now, the excellent teaser beneath the fold should suffice.