
Turkish Horror 'MUSALLAT' recieves English friendly DVD release

Musallat, a Turkish horror released in Turkey late last year is a film thats been heavily featured here on ScreenAnarchy since Todd originally caught note of the film, a moderate success at the Turkish box office raking in just under $2million in total. The film also scored Theatrical releases in a few European countries earlier in the year, something quite rare for Turkish genre films in the past, so there could be something that makes Musallat stand out from the recent crop of Turkish Horror films produced.

For a quick synopsis, to quote Todd's previous article 'Turkish genre films have been notoriously campy for years - decades, really - and while the arthouse circuit in the country is strong the genre titles continue to build on a weird fusion of technical proficiency and just plain pulp. New Turkish horror picture Musallat looks to ride that same split in influences, though the technical end looks stronger than most. It's the story of a young couple haunted by mysterious forces and there looks to be a heavy possession element as well. The official website is now live and includes a lengthy teaser that, while not really NSFW, does include a childbirth sequence that could leave you squirming.'

See the links below for a few etailers to order the English friendly DVD from.

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