AFFD Report - Hula Girls - Which HULA Dance Move Are You?

So if you were a "HULA dance move" - what move would you be? I'm sure many of us have asked ourselves this very important question on life's quest. If I was a HULA dance move myself I would be the "moon" move. Browse the gallery (after the link jump) to help aid in figuring out which one you are. Tonight at the 6th Annual Asian Film Festival of Dallas they screened Twitch favorite "Hula Girls" (Opus Review; James Maruyama Review; browse the gallery for pictures from its screening). YĆ» Aoi as Kimiko and Yasuko Matsuyuki as Hirayama really stole the show for me. Both performances by these actresses are exquisite and flawless. I surely don't think they used any stunt-hula girls on this one and their knack for always hitting the right emotional beats for their characters was a pure Mozart symphony. Add on top of that some of the most spot on directing and shot selection and you easily have one of the most well made films of the decade. I certainly was not at all looking forward to seeing this film. I have as much in common with a hula dancer as Eddie Vedder has in common with Dolph Lundgren (though some might suggest they now sing the same) - yet this film won me over one vamp, moon, grass shack and pau at at time. As previously mentioned by Todd (here), VIZ Entertainment will be releasing this film to US theatres. So be on the lookout for a chance to see it!

To Christina the Palm Tree let us all raise a toast and hope your still being kept warm. Until next time please remember: "its not cheating, it's customer service!"
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