Pakistani Splatter-Fest Zibahkhana: Hell's Ground Trailer Hits the Web

When we first wrote about Omar Khan's Zbahkhana - the first ever Pakistani splatter film - all the way back in August I honestly thought that the film would be of interest mostly as a novelty item. Pakistan doesn't have the most robust film industry in the first place and first efforts in any genre are seldom particularly good, but then word began to circulate among those in the know that Khan actually had something on his hands here. Then came festival screenings in Denmark and Philadelphia - and if anyone caught it at either, I'd love a review - with more good buzz and I've just caught a look at the screener on the film's official MySpace page. And? Khan intends it as a distinctly Pakistani tribute to Romero and Fulci and he's hit his mark dead on. Very good stuff, very fun.

Zibahkhana: Hell's Ground Trailer (embedded Flash)

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