Distribution rights for Ricardo Ribelles' Spanish sci-fi/fantasy B-movie tribute The Baron Against the Demons (El Barón contra los Demonios) are to be offered for sale by Allied Entertainment Group Inc. at this year's Marché du Film in Cannes, which runs from May 16th to 26th.
As was previously reported here and there on ScreenAnarchy, the screenplay for The Baron Against the Demons was written by Ribelles. The movie apparently is an extension of Ribelles' short "Exorcio Deus Machine: la misión". It stars Juan Carlos Romeu as the Baron (el Barón), Goliath (Goliat), and Sergeant Armero (Sargento Armero). It co-stars (listed order corresponds to order on cast page of official website) Helena Lecumberri as Lady Pervertvm (Doña Pervertvm), Xavier Bertrán as Colonel Domenic (Coronel Doménico), Irene Belza as Sergeant Burkina Fasso (Sargento Burkina Fasso), Alejandro Ribelles as Lieutenant Alexander (Teniente Alexander), Susana Palma as the Bogardis Twins (las Gemelas Bogardis), Gerardo Arenas as Second Lieutenant Horacio (Alférez Horacio), Eva Barceló as General Cesarea Nebula (General Cesárea Nébula), Paulina Gálvez as Lieutenant Ira Bowman (Teniente Ira Bowman), Mireia Alert as Sergeant Milagros (Sargento Milagros), Quique Ferragut as the New Being (el Nuevo Ser), Fran A. Romero as Sergeant Mateo (Sargento Mateo), and Francisco Delgado as John Colossus (Juan Coloso).
Here's a synopsis for The Baron Against the Demons from Allied Entertainment Group's website: "In the final days of the 21st Century, the Earth is engaged in a devastating war with the forces of evil, an army of alien invaders known as the Demons.
Leading the Earth's forces is an enigmatic SUPER HERO known as the BARON. During an extermination combat mission the BARON is captured, taken as a prisoner to the seductive witch, LADY PERVERTVM, and he is tortured by her until she finally extracts his sperm. LADY PERVERTVM uses the BARON's sperm to impregnate the Beast - RAGNAROK - with the intent to create the ultimate race of homicidal Demons. The BARON manages to escape, but tormented by his guilt, he begins a bloody war of vengeance in an attempt to save the Earth."
Those who are interested in The Baron Against the Demons may also wish to read the ScreenAnarchy articles on Paco Limón's Doctor Infierno.
The Baron Against the Demons theatrical trailer #2 page (trailer is English dubbed)
The Baron Against the Demons theatrical trailer #1 (English dubbed; downloadable 4.1 MB MOV file)
The Baron Against the Demons theatrical trailer #1 (English dubbed; downloadable 4.3 MB WMV file)
The Baron Against the Demons teaser trailer page (trailer has Spanish voice-over w/o subtitles)
The Baron Against the Demons stills gallery (61 JPEGs)
The Baron Against the Demons official website
Allied Entertainment Group: The Baron Against the Demons
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Doctor Infierno trailer (no dialogue; downloadable 2.9 MB MOV file)