QuickTime teaser trailer for Tsukasa Kishimoto's AKÔKURÔ

Twitch, in association with GOMORRAHY.com, is now providing a downloadable QuickTime version of the teaser trailer for Tsukasa Kishimoto's Akôkurô.

As was previously reported here on ScreenAnarchy, the screenplay for Akôkurô was written by Kishimoto. The movie stars (listed order corresponds to order on official website) Maki Tamaru, Shûgo Oshinari, Shôgen, Nahana, Takashi Yûki, Taeko Yoshida, Tomoji Yamashiro, Takehiro Murata, Misa Shimizu, and Erika.

Aya Pro K.K. (K.K. Aya Puro) plans to release Akôkurô theatrically in Japan this summer.

Akôkurô teaser trailer (downloadable 4.3 MB MOV file)

Akôkurô official website

Wikipedia: Ryukyuan religion: Magical creatures (see paragraph on kijimunâ)

GOMORRAHY.com: Trailer Park subsite

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