Willis and Stallone in Inglorious Bastards?

What with all of Quentin's talk of shooting a straight up martial arts film next I had thought that Inglorious Bastards - his Dirty Dozen styled war flick - was in danger of getting bumped aside. Apparently not. The Hollywood Stock Exchange is reporting that Tarantino is eyeing up Bruce Willis and Sylvester Stallone for parts ... Willis makes perfect sense and, given their history together, I'm surprised it's taken this long for his name to come up. Stallone is a bit more surprising, but think about it ... aging 70's icon who has completely fallen out of favor with the industry ... Tarantino never likes to work with people like that, now does he? Apparently Adam Sandler has a part if he wants it as well, which means this will pretty much have one of the strangest casts ever ...

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