I'm Jealous Beyond Words ...

Why? Because this guy's been on the set of The Hanging Tree, the just-wrapped new film from Toshiaki Toyoda. Follow that link. What the article lacks in firm detail it makes up in well-deserved enthusiasm. Toyoda is, beyond a doubt, a genius and he keeps getting better with every film. Must see this film ...

The trailers really don't do the films justice, but check 'em out anyway thanks to the lovely people at Artsmagic who have already brought one of Toyoda's previous films to our shores and have another one coming. Blue Spring is here, 9 Souls here. You can also check my review of Blue Spring here and Opus' review of 9 Souls here ... my own 9 Souls review will be turning up closer to the DVD release date ...

Via Greencine.

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